Android is an operating system which uses Linux kernel, and it runs in many handheld devices such as tablets, and Smartphones.
Google provided documentation for android is very effective for non-android developers who like to learn android but you must have some basic knowledge in core Java.
Java is a pure object oriented programming language that can use for complex application development. Android application can develop in Java or C++ programming language(NDK is required). Java is exceedingly convenient for beginners, Java is considered as a professional language. I strongly recommend Java if you don't use core functionality of android OS. (Some native functionality can be achieved through NDK).
You might be wondering why these prerequisites are important for Android development. Why you can’t jump directly to android Google Documentation?
The answer is very simple most android development tutorials are made up of a Java flavour. If you don’t have enough knowledge in Java you can’t build a perfect android app.
This tutorial unveils, what are the basic concepts you must know before starting with Android development.
It is time to have some fun with Android. XML is a markup language which can able to create UI components for android. You cannot avoid XML when you work with Android.
Many people don’t know how to start android development with documentation. Should I start with HelloWorld ? No, Java core concepts will give you enough confidence to learn android quickly.
Learn Java first and go!
Java : prerequisites android development [Updated]
#1 Java Object oriented concepts
OOP is an integral part of Java language so you can't expunge the concepts what are they? It includes Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Inheritance.
An essential element of object oriented programming is abstraction.
Encapsulation is mechanism that binds together code and data and it helps to prevent outside access.
Polymorphism is a feature that allows one interface to be used for a general class of action.
Inheritance is the process by which one object acquires the properties of another object.
Read : First Look at Java Concepts
#2 Java Basics [Tokens]
Refer all Keywords of Java; static , final , try, catch, are very important.Primitive types: Integers, Floating point, Boolean.
Read : Getting started with Java Programming [Beginner]
Read : How to run a Java program?
#3 Type casting and Visibility
Casting compatible and incompatible Types.Access modifiers : Public, Private, and Protected.
#4 Arrays and Operators
One Dimensional ArrayMultidimensional Array
Arithmetic operators
Relational Operators
Assignment Operators
#5 Control Statements
Java Selection Statements : If, If-else, switchIteration Statements : While, do-while, for
#6 Class Fundamentals
Creating Class , accessing class methods, and Declaring objectsConstructors, and Garbage collection
Java Methods
Understanding static , methods
#7 Inheritance, Interface and package
Inheriting ClassUse of super
Creating Interface
Abstract Class
Creating packages in Java
#8 Multithreading and Exception Handling
Creating Java ThreadsManage threads in Java
Try.. catch
Creating multiple threads
#9 Java Annotations and IO
Reading writing Files
#10 Generics and Collection Classes
Generic ClassesGeneric Interfaces
The ArrayList Class
The HashSet Class
10 Prerequisites for Learning Android Development
Reviewed by Nikin
07 January