Skills Needed to Be a Top Android Developer

3 Ways to Become an Expert Android Developer 

      Have you ever been surprised by seeing an Android app? Do you know, how do they make awesome applications? The time it takes to become an Android developer varies depending on the way you choose. The career guide will give you a complete path of Android development. Do I need a degree for making Android applications or games? Answer is "No". Nevertheless, basic programming skills are required for building awesome applications in Android platform.

      Fundamental concepts of most object oriented programming languages are same, if you look forward to coding with Android you must learn an object oriented language called Java. If you are already familiar with C++ or Objective C, you can easily bind all the topics together. There are some prerequisites for learning android through Java programming language. Java is simple and robust language; moreover, Java has wide variety of features such as annotation, garbage collection and many more.

Skills Needed to Be a Top Android Developer

  Working as an Android developer is a hectic job when you are just getting started. You may face many problems at the beginning, but our mission is to learn everything around the great platform. With over one billion Android devices already activated. There is a vast career opportunity for Android developers.

Must-have skills you need to become an Android Developer 

# Basic programming concepts – Including How does program work?, Compilers, Debugging, Errors, Memory management.
# Sound knowledge in any object oriented language (C++, Objective C, Python, or C#)
# Good understanding of Software development life cycle.
# Basics of computer networking (Optional)
To be an expert developer
#  Sound knowledge in Java programming language
#  Working with IDEs – Android Studio or Eclipse (officially deprecated )
#  Android SDK and Tools
#  Layouts and Views
#  Storing data – SQL Skill with SQLite
#  Collection views
#  Generics & Annotation
#  Handling screen resolution and support
#  Building app for Tablets
#  Google Maps
#  Google Cloud Messaging with Android
#  Social Networking Authentication & Login
#  Git basics
#  Back-end skills – Node.js, PHP*, Rails*, Web services
#  Communicative Skill
#  Google play store submission
#  Work collaboration
#  Documentation skill
#  Version control
#  In-app implementation
# App Monetization

To be an Android game developer (Intermediate)

# Sound knowledge in Computer graphics
# Discrete mathematics
# Good knowledge in game engine & tools 
# OpenGL
# Basic C or C++ knowledge
# Unity
# Cocos2d-x 

How to learn Android?

#1 Learn from Google
You can access the training guide from The guide will help you to build awesome application in Android. Each topic is well arranged you have an opportunity to search topics.

#2 Start a free video course

Udacity offers a free video course for Android that is built by Google. You can access the instructor videos, moreover you can able to do exercises with the fundamental course.
To start the course :–ud853

#3 Android Developer Nanodegree

Nanodegree is co-created by Google, you can start the program immediately after you enroll. It’s not a free course, course duration will be 6 to 12 months (minimum 10Hrs/week). Nanodegree programs are designed with Silicon Valley companies.

To enroll–nd801

Skills Needed to Be a Top Android Developer Skills Needed to Be a Top Android Developer Reviewed by Nikin on 15 January Rating: 5
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