Learn to Generate Android App bundle in Android Studio[Pictures]

    Google introduced a new way for publishing apps on Google play store. An AAB (Android App Bundle) is a new upload format that contains your app's compiled code and resources. The bundle is entirely different from APK. You can not run the .aab file directly from any Android device. It's a play store compatible file format for binding the resources and compiled codes.

Learn to Generate Android App bundle in Android Studio

In this tutorial, we are going to bundle an app with a new publishing format aab.

Create an android project,  Hello world app is enough for this lesson.

Step 1: Create a simple project, HelloWorld

   Step 2: Choose target Android Devices , and hit Next

Choose Empty Activity from 'Create New Project'

    Give an activity name as bellow finally click on Finish button. It will create a basic android application project for work around.

Go to Build menu , Select 'Generate Signed Bundle / APK'

Next you have to choose the Android App Bundle radio button. (Default is AAB) Hit next.

Select 'Create new' from Generate Signed Bundle or APK.  Check 'Export encrypted key' (Google Play App Signing), Click Next. next you have to create a Key Store file, create a new one as below.
Check the 'Export encrypted key' and click the next button.
If you preparing for upload to play store, select release from Build Type. Finally click finish.
It will generate a signed bundle for uploading to play store. click locate link from Event log.

Now you can upload the app to the play store, the file extension will be .aab. create a release(Google play console.) and choose the app.aab file.
Learn to Generate Android App bundle in Android Studio[Pictures] Learn to Generate Android App bundle in Android Studio[Pictures] Reviewed by Nikin on 04 January Rating: 5
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