10 Tips to Help You Keep Your Google Adsense Ads

#1 Take care of invalid clicks and Impressions

After successful activation of your AdSense account; curiously you may test your ads by clicking them. Click yourself! It will make a wrong impression. If you are a publisher you don't want to click your own ads for checking. Google gives more importance to their advertisers who publish ads over Adsense program. Try to keep track on every activity of your users by using Google Adsense console. Moreover, you can figure out user behavior on Google analytics.
10 Tips to Help You Keep Your Google Adsense Ads

#2 Test Ads by Clicking Them

       It's a wrong perspective according to AdSense program. Don't ever click on ads that you served. Don't try to encourage your friends, relatives and colleagues to click or promote your ads. Google epic algorithm can trace you easily. all clicks are generated only from genuine user interest. You need to make sure that you have got enough traffic. Avoid invalid referral, posting an invalid referral to other websites to gain traffic and pay per click. Don't encourage your visitors to click on ads. If you have an Adsense account; you must read AdSense's TOS before you implement to your website.

#3 Keep away from Alternatives 

Do not add more than 2 other alternative ads companion along with Adsense. Clicksor, Chitika are other famous ad publisher programs; which help to gain money from showing relevant ads on your website.

#4 Content & Language 

Make sure that your article or content language is fully compatible with AdSense program.

#5 Fake marketing strategy & Mature content  

Sending ads via email, or post ads on the unauthorized website may cause your account. According to Adsense program policy;  you will be banned soon. Besides Adsense does not encourage adult content. It is strictly prohibited by Adsense TOS.

#6 Placing ads 

Placing ads on the blank page or use in popup window will cause your account.

#7 Altering Ad unit

You can customize your ad but you can not modify the code /script.

#8 Revealing  sensitive Information 

Never ever reveal your confidential information like CTR, CPM, Publisher account Number, and Partnership Information etc.

#9 Ads on tab

Opens ad in a new tab by using _blank target.  Don't place ads in the navigation area.

#10 Common mistakes - Bloggers

There are so many bloggers earn money via Adsense program. Adsense approval is not an easier task. Your blog must meet the quality requirements provided by Adsense program. If you are a blogger; you must have good content, which should be unique. Ad placement is an important thing about Adsense program. Besides, keep the best alignment for each ad unit.

•    Placing Ads inappropriate way, Placing more than three ad units on a single page.
•    Force to click ads - you can only navigate by clicking ads.
•    Applying your website's Adsense account to blog. The blog contains fewer contents, poor quality         content serving.
•    Promoting copied contents through blog
•    The blog post contains less than 300 words
•    Blog post contains only images and hyperlinks
•    Partnership with other blogs which having fewer contents
•    Only promoting videos through a blog. No textual data or contents
•    Testing your blog's ads manually.
•    Recommending friends and family to click your ads serving through a blog.
•    Implementing poor web template for your blog.
•    Altering ad unit code for good looking or any other reasons.
•    Implementing ad unit on iframe

10 Tips to Help You Keep Your Google Adsense Ads 10 Tips to Help You Keep Your Google Adsense Ads  Reviewed by Nikin on 10 March Rating: 5
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