Nowadays Mobile Apps play a major role in digital life so today's tutorial I am going to teach you how to make a pixel perfect mobile app launcher icon using famous vector drawing tool Inkscape.
What we'll be creating - Mobile App Launcher Icon
This tutorial will help you to create a launcher icon that can be used for any location based service mobile application.
Setting up the environment for drawing
Open Inkscape software, and create a new document 500×500 pixels to change the default size of document press Shift+Ctrl+D (File->Document Properties) Press 1 to fit into the screen.
Select the "Rectangle and Squares Tool (press
F4)" and drag out a square at the canvas 500 pixels wide and 500 pixels in
height. Now change the color of square to green (#008000).
If you want to remove the border from filled square
image just select it and press Shift +[none
Once you have completed the square, next create
a circle (height : 211.400) after then remove the color of the circle
(press none button )
you will get a new image like below.
The created circle border should be around 33 pixels width [To change stroke width press Shift+Ctrl+F and select Stroke Style tab] don't forget to change the border color of the circle to white [select circle press Shift + White color from color palette ].
Select the circle object and duplicate it [press Ctrl+D to duplicate, Remember the duplicated object will be hidden until drag from existing object]. Drag and drop the duplicated object to the center of the circle. Fill up the newly created circle with white color.
Draw a 'V' shaped object to circle footer edge [Choose Bezier curves (or press Shift+F6)] White color will add a glossy look to location icon.
Choose a white color from color palette after selecting the V-shaped object.
Export Bitmap in Inkscape
File -> Export Bitmap save it as ic_launcher.png .
Done! The icon can be used on a mobile platform like Android, or iOS.
How to Make a Mobile App Launcher Icon 15 Minutes
Reviewed by Nikin
11 March